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- 发布日期:2025-01-04 14:46 点击次数:125 个人基本情况 程大志,研究员,博士生导师 科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目“中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列研究”数学领域核心专家团队成员、专委会委员、数学困难工作组组长,教育部全国心理健康监测学习困难工作组成员。 通讯地址:北京市海淀区白堆子甲23号 首都师范大学心理学院,100073 E-mail: [email protected] 工作经历 2024.1-至今,首都师范大学心理学院,研究员 2023.1-2023.12,首都师范大学心理学院,副研究员 2018.12-2022.12,首都儿科研究所神经内科,副研究员 2014.9-2018.11,首都儿科研究所神经内科,助理研究员 研究方向 儿童青少年数学问题(困难和焦虑)的机制及干预 数学推理、数学问题解决等高阶数学能力个体差异的神经机制 儿童神经认知发育障碍(例如学习障碍、注意缺陷多动障碍)的筛查、评估与干预 课题情况 1. 科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目子课题,2021ZD0200536-17,数学困难分型模型等检验和数学困难群体等数据采集,2021/12-2026/11,主持 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32271122,发展性计算障碍儿童数字领域特异性缺陷的认知神经机制研究,2023/01-2026/12,主持 3. 军委科技委国防创新特区探索项目子课题,21-166-M113-004-02,基于珠心算的***认知训练技术系统研发,2021/12-2023/12,主持 4. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,5212004,经颅直流电刺激联合认知训练对儿童数学障碍的促进作用及其脑机制研究,2021/01-2023/12,在研,主持 5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31700977,rTMS联合认知训练对发展性计算障碍的干预效果及其脑机制研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持 6. 北京市科技计划课题,Z171100000417020,首都市民健康培育——儿童癫痫共患病评估及计算机化认知训练干预的临床研究, 2017/03-2020/12,项目骨干 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31671310,携带者队列和iPS细胞系研究16p11.2微缺失的精神发育表型异质性, 2017/01-2020/12,参与 8. 首都卫生发展科研专项自主创新项目,首发2016-2-2103,儿童良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波执行功能的临床研究,2016/01-2018/12,项目骨干 9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31271187,大脑中数字领域特异性加工的本质:数量还是形状,2013/01-2016/12,项目骨干 10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30870759,8-14岁儿童算术认知发展的脑机制, 2009-2011,参与 主要科研论文 已在国内外期刊发表论文40多篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文近30篇 1. Ren B, Zhang Y, Cui Z, Cheng D, Liang X, et al. 2024. Behavior-related potentials from single-trial interindividual correlation between event related potentials and behavioral performance reveals right lateralized processing of numerosity. Brain and Cognition, 180: 106185. 2. Naiyi Wang, Ziluo Yan*, Dazhi Cheng*, Xiaojing Ma, Wanyu Wang. Career Adaptability and Academic Achievement Among Chinese High School Students: A Person-centered Longitudinal Study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-023-01884-6. (SSCI-JCR-2022: Q1,IF = 4.9) 3. Mengyi Li#, Dazhi Cheng#, Chuansheng Chen, Xinlin Zhou. High-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) of the left middle temporal gyrus (LMTG) improves mathematical reasoning. Brain Topography, 2023, 36, 890–900. (SCI-JCR-2022: Q3, IF = 2.7) 4. Tian Li#, Dazhi Cheng#, Chuansheng Chen, Gaolang Gong, Jing Lv, Xinlin Zhou. Altered resting-state functional connectivity in the prefrontal cortex contributes to the development of dyscalculia in patients with Turner syndrome. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2023, 77: 386–392. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q1, IF = 11.9) 5. Ziluo Yan#, Xiaodan Yu#, Dazhi Cheng#, Chengcheng Ma, Xinlin Zhou. Spatial ability and science achievement more closely associated in eighth-graders than in fourth-graders: A large-scale study. International Journal of Science Education. 2023, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2023.2175629. (SSCI-JCR-2021: Q2, 5-Year IF = 2.8) 6. Dazhi Cheng#, Zhijun Cui#, Chunhui Chen#, Xin Xu, Kai Niu, Zhiqiang He. Xinlin Zhou. The database for extracting numerical and visual properties of numerosity processing in the Chinese population. Scientific Data, 2023, 10, 28. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-01933-6. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q1, 5-Year IF = 11.2) 7. Dazhi Cheng#, Zhijun Cui#, Yuwei Hu, Xinlin Zhou. Which visual property correlates with the relation between numerosity sense and arithmetic fluency. Visual Cognition, 2022, 30:8, 517-526. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q3, 5-Year IF = 2.1) 8. Dazhi Cheng#, Bingqian Ren#, Xiaodan Yu#, Haitao Wang, Qian Chen, Xinlin Zhou. Math anxiety as an independent psychological construct among social-emotional attitudes: A cross-sectional cohort, random sample study. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022, 1517, 191–202. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q1, 5-Year IF = 6.6) 9. Dazhi Cheng#, Duanduan Chen#, Qian Chen, Xinlin Zhou. Effects of attention on arithmetic and reading comprehension in children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Current psychology, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-02888-4. (SSCI-JCR-2020: Q1, 5-Year IF = 2.6) 10. Dazhi Cheng, Xinyang Miao, Haiyan Wu, Chuansheng Chen, Qian Chen, Xinlin Zhou. Dyscalculia and dyslexia in Chinese children with idiopathic epilepsy: different patterns of prevalence, comorbidity and gender differences. Epilepsia Open, 2022, 7: 160–169. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q2, IF = 4.0) 11. Dazhi Cheng#, Mengyi Li#, Jiaxin Cui et al. Algebra dissociates from arithmetic in the brain semantic network. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2022, 18:(1): 1-12. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q1, 5-Year IF = 3.7) 12. Dazhi Cheng, Kaihui Shi, Xinyang Miao, Xinlin Zhou. Examining the Differential Role of General and Specific Processing Speed in Predicting Mathematical Achievement in Junior High School. Journal of Intelligence, 2022, 10: 1-13. (SSCI-JCR-2021: Q2, IF = 3.2) 13. Dazhi Cheng, Mei Ma, Yuwei Hu, Xinlin Zhou. Chinese kindergarteners skilled in mental abacus have advantages in spatial processing and attention. Cognitive Development, 2021, 58, 101046. (SSCI-JCR-2020: Q2, 5-Year IF = 2.6) 14. Mengyi Li#, Dazhi Cheng#, Yujie Lu, Xinlin Zhou. Neural association between non-verbal number sense and arithmetic fluency. Human Brain Mapping, 2020, 41: 5128-5140. (SCI-JCR-2020: Q1, 5-Year IF = 5.8) 15. Dazhi Cheng, Qing Xiao, Jiaxin Cui et al. Short-term numerosity training promotes symbolic arithmetic in children with developmental dyscalculia: the mediating role of visual form perception. Developmental Science, 2020, 23: e12910. (封面文章) (SSCI-JCR-2020: Q1, 5-Year IF = 5.4) 16. Dazhi Cheng, Xiuxian Yan, Keming Xu, Xinlin Zhou, Qian Chen. The effect of interictal epileptiform discharges on cognitive and academic performance in children with idiopathic epilepsy. BMC Neurology, 2020, 20(233): 1-7. (SCI-JCR-2020: Q3, 5-Year IF = 3.2) 17. Chunliang Feng, Zaixu Cui, Dazhi Cheng, Rui Xu, and Ruolei Gu. Individualized prediction of dispositional worry using white matter connectivity. Psychological Medicine, 2019, 49(12), 1999-2008. (SCI-JCR-2019: Q1, 5-Year IF = 9.7) 18. Dazhi Cheng#, Qing Xiao#, Qian Chen, Jiaxin Cui, and Xinlin Zhou. Dyslexia and dyscalculia are characterized by common visual perception deficits. Developmental Neuropsychology, 2018, 43(6), 497-507. (SSCI-JCR-2017: Q2, 5-Year IF = 2.6) 19. Dazhi Cheng, Xiuxian Yan, Zhijie Gao, Keming Xu, Qian Chen. Attention contributes to arithmetic deficits in new-onset childhood absence epilepsy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2017, 8(166): 1-6. (SSCI-JCR-2016: Q1, 5-Year IF = 5.6) 20. Dazhi Cheng, Haiyan Wu, Li Yuan, Rui Xu, Qian Chen, Xinlin Zhou. Modality-dependent or modality-independent processing in mental arithmetic: evidence from unimpaired auditory multiplication for a patient with left frontotemporal stroke. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2017, 23(8): 692-699. (SCI-JCR-2018: Q1, 5-Year IF = 3.9) 21. Dazhi Cheng, Xiuxian Yan, Zhijie Gao, Keming Xu, Xinlin Zhou, Qian Chen, Common and distinctive patterns of cognitive dysfunction in children with benign epilepsy syndromes. Pediatric Neurology, 2017, 72: 36-41. (SCI-JCR-2021: Q1, 5-Year IF = 3.7) 22. Dazhi Cheng, Xiuxian Yan, Zhijie Gao, Keming Xu, Xinlin Zhou, Qian Chen, Neurocognitive Profiles in Childhood Absence Epilepsy: A Focus on Cognitive Dysfunction Associated With the Frontal Lobe. Journal of Child Neurology, 2017, 32(1): 46-52. (SCI-JCR-2018: Q2, 5-Year IF = 2.6) 23. Dazhi Cheng#, Aihong Zhou#, Xing Yu, Chuansheng Chen, Jianping Jia, Xinlin Zhou*, Quantifier Processing Can Be Dissociated from Numerical Processing: Evidence from Semantic Dementia Patients. Neuropsychologia, 2013, 51(11): 2172–2183. (SSCI-JCR-2013: Q1, 5-Year IF = 3.6) 参与编译教材 《教育神经科学视野中的数学教育创新》,周新林主编, 教育科学出版社, 2017,(负责第29、30章的撰写工作),ISBN: 978-7-5191-0954-7 When and why numerosity processing is associated with developmental dyscalculia. In S. Chinn (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Dyscalculia and Mathematical Learning Difficulties, Xinlin Zhou & Dazhi Cheng. Exeter, Devon, UK: Routledge, Swales & Willis Ltd. 2015, 4, 78–89. ISBN: 978-0-415-82285-5 (hbk) 会议报告 1. 2024年北京市中小学校医与保健教师学校卫生及心理健康工作能力提升项目,特邀主题报告,2024.06.21,北京。 2. “积极应对压力,学会有效学习”,中国教育电视台邀请录制《家庭教育公开课》,2024.06.14,北京。 3. 面向中西部专兼职心理教师心理测量培训,特邀授课,2024.05.16,北京。 4.“理解数学困难的新视角:基于数学脑网络证据”,第八届学校心理健康教育专题研讨会,特邀主题报告,2024.01.06,北京。 5. “数学困难的机制及干预”,中国儿童心理健康与家庭建设高峰论坛,中国科学院心理研究所,特邀报告,2023.06.03,北京。 6. “数学困难的机制及干预:从脑科学到教育实践”,北京大学教育学院青年学者论坛,特邀报告,2022.06.07,北京(线上)。 7. “数学困难的成因及干预:基于脑科学的研究”,中国数学会数学教育分会首届学术年会,专题报告,2022.04.29,珠海(线上)。 8. “基于大脑三网络的数学学习困难筛查与干预”,全球人工智能与教育大数据大会,受邀报告,2021.12.18,北京(线上)。 9. “数学困难的成因及干预”,中国学生营养与健康促进会心理健康分会成立大会暨2021学生心理健康学术研讨会,受邀报告,2021.08.07,北京。 10. “The cognitive impact of interictal epileptiform EEG discharges in non-status epilepticus children” 中华医学会第二十三次全国儿科学术大会,受邀报告,2018.10.26,厦门。 11. “Improved quality of life rather than neurocognitive abilities in newly diagnosed BECTs with oxcarbazepine monotherapy treatment”, 中华医学会第二十二次全国儿科学术大会,2017.10.20,苏州。 12. “Attention deficits contribute to acalculia in new-onset childhood absence epilepsy”, The 23nd Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, 2017.06.29, Canada. 13. “注意多动缺陷儿童的计算机在线认知训练研究”,北京医学会儿科年会,受邀报告,2016.06.04,北京。 14. “新诊断失神癫痫儿童的认知特征研究”第十九届全国心理学学术会议,大会报告,2016.10.16,西安。 社会兼职及服务 1. 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家 2. 中国学生营养与健康促进会心理健康分会委员会委员 3. 北京神经内科学会脑科学与人工智能专委会委员 4. British Journal of Educational Psychology, Epilepsy & Behavior, BMC Neurology 等SCI/SSCI期刊审稿人 荣誉奖励 1. 北京市优秀人才项目 2. 北京市医管局人才培养“青苗”计划项目